Member Profile
- omalone
- Joined: 02/17/2016
- Profile Views: 2460
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Media By omalone

how did i get here? it was a blur like a rainy day walk home when you look down focus on each step forward focusing your vision under your umbrella not fully remembering what or who you passed by on the way but your sneakers are wet...

unlike other weekly rites where I explore different speeds, sounds, movements, filters, lighting, etc., I wanted this to stay natural. circles comfort calming cooperative complete

this is where this is where i feel alive this is where the cliffs meet the sea and thunder shakes the sands this is where we looked ahead forward to endless futures this is where we sent smoke to the wind where our bodies rode the br...

if there ever comes a day when we cant be together keep me in your heart i'll stay there forever -winnie the pooh