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  • gradwc
  • Joined: 05/17/2022
  • Profile Views:  612
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Playlists By gradwc

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Media By gradwc


Writing an Abstract in the Health Sciences: Mentor Texts (Pt 3)

By: gradwc

This video is captioned. In part three of our three-part series, we will go over how to use a mentor text as an example for how to structure your own work.


Writing an Abstract in the Health Sciences: Signal Moves (Pt 2)

By: gradwc

This video is captioned. In Part Two of our three-part series,"Signal Moves," we discuss this tool for creating a research story. This video goes over what signal moves are, what kinds of writing they can be useful for, and additional resources.


Writing an Abstract in the Health Sciences

By: gradwc

Part 1 of a 3-part series. This video is captioned and discusses writing an abstract in the health sciences. This video covers the basic structure of an abstract, what an abstract is, how much detail you should include, tools from the Writing Cent...


How to Use WCOnline for Online Tutoring Sessions

By: gradwc

This captioned video explores how to log into and participate in an online tutoring session.


Designing Presentations: PowerPoints (Pt 2)

By: gradwc

Captioned Video. Part 2 of Designing Presentations focuses on PowerPoints.


Designing Presentations: Posters (Pt 1)

By: gradwc

Captioned. Part one of Designing Presentations. This video covers designing posters.


Creating A Table of Contents in Microsoft Word

By: gradwc

Kristin Raub demonstrates how to create a table of contents, table of tables, and table of figures in Microsoft Word.