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Results for: 'Law and Ethics'
NR002: Pine Street Barge Canal
Mia Handte-Reinecker and Tessa Schneider informational video about Pine Street Barge Canal Superfund
Research Study of Motor Learning in ASD
recruitment and informational video about a research study of motor learning using video modeling in children with autism spectrum disorder
Spectrum of Disease in CTE Pat Maley
A talk discussing: the spectrum of disease in chronic traumatic encephalopathy by Ann McKee and colleagues.
A subjective interview, by Connor Moore, evaluated by Miranda Nelson and Andrew Nadeau.
This final project is a product of work done by Noah Logan, Dan Cameron, and Jonathan Saunders.
Anxiety and Adversity from the Coronavirus: COMU 123 Final Presentation
This is my final presentation for my COMU 123 class.
The Consumption of Dairy in the Young and the Risk of Developing Type 1 Diabetes