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Results for: 'Hip Hop and Early Rap'
CS125 - P,NP,NP-Complete and NP-Hard
This video is a supplement for students who are reading "Introduction To The Theory Of Computation" by Michael Sipser. I took the liberty of using the terminology from the textbook.
HCOL 185 Final Project: Organ Transactions & Repugnant Markets
Presentation regarding organ transactions and the influence of individual values on repugnant markets.
The Evolution of Care for the Transgender Community in Medicine
The Creation of Gender-Affirming Hormone Therapy, Surgery, and healthcare
Human-animal contact in the Anthropocene: The link between climate change and zoonotic disease
Short podcast about how climate change is contributing to the emergence of zoonotic diseases like COVID-19. By Kristen Werner
A podcast explaining how Australia became home to the largest number of marsupials in the world and why these mammals evolved the way they did.