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Results for: 'Video log 3'


sentential translations 1 PHIL013AB

By: mcweiner

A video on how to translate sentences from English to our notation using the five main connectives


NULL_Delicious Living Video

By: tnull

Supplemental application


proofs vI double negation double arrow PHIL013

By: mcweiner

A video of just over six minutes about doing proofs with four new rules: or in, double negation, and double arrow in and out.


Chapter 4 Introduction and Preventing Cross Contamination of Foods

By: tpritcha

This video introduces concept of flow of food. The idea of cross contamination prevention is introduced.


Chapter 4 Temperature Abuse and Temperature Monitoring Part 1

By: tpritcha

This video introduces the idea of temperature abuse, the temperature danger zone and different means by which to check and monitor temperatures.


Chapt 4 Temperature Monitoring, Probe Maintanence and Calibrations

By: tpritcha

This video discusses how to maintain and calibrate temperature monitoring devices as well as defining the required accuracy of thermometers.