Results for: 'BCOR103 lecture 4 part 1'
GEOG 50 Lecture 2: Key Concepts in Human Geography
By: tmorehou
Video for GEOG 50.
060 lecture 4: amplitude
By: dfeurzei
Amplitude & Loudness; dB of Sound Pressure Level and other uses
060 lecture 5: waveform view and the amplitude envelope
Waveform wiew, amplitude envelope, intro to Audacity
060 lecture 1: aIr pressure
AIr pressure: what it is, why it is
060 lecture 2: Propagation of sound
sound propagation, wave motion, compression waves
060 lecture 3: frequency
Frequency and perception of pitch
GEOG 50 Lecture 4: The Anthropocene
GEOG 50 Lecture 6: The 6th Extinction
GEOG 50 Lecture 5: Capitalism in the Web of Life