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Results for: 'vat'


Vacuum and Sap Minerals

By: uvmext

A modern maple operation relies on a tubing system with vacuum to maximize sap production. The innovation of plastic tubing originally came as a labor-saving device and not to increase sap yield from individual trees. As the materials used to prod...


Vacuum and Wounding

By: uvmext

A modern maple operation relies on a tubing system with vacuum to maximize sap production. The innovation of plastic tubing originally came as a labor-saving device and not to increase sap yield from individual trees. As the materials used to prod...


Culinary Innovation on the Farm

By: csherloc

​AUDIO ONLY -Farmers and chefs are part of a long history of innovation -- in technique, production, and taste -- to express culture through cooking and to grow ingredients that perform and delight. All traditions were once innovations. There is a...


Increasing Student Motivation: Strategies that Work

By: ctl

Increasing Student Motivation: Strategies that Work 3-1-2022


Karelian Bear Dogs for Wildlife Conservation

By: ytang7

ASCI 097OL1 The World of Working Animals - Final Product - Karelian bear dogs and their impact on ensuring wildlife conservation -YIXUAN TANG


Trauma Assessment

By: gzeiterg

Trauma Assessment