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Results for: 'SPA'


SP001 Examen oral

By: kclemmon

Oral Spanish exam


Diatomaceous Earth (DE) Filtering

By: uvmext

Just as the sugars found in sap become concentrated during boiling, so too are the naturally occurring minerals found in sap. As the concentration of minerals increases in the sap, it approaches, then exceeds the point of saturation. When that hap...


Water Bars

By: uvmext

Access to a sugarbush is critical for installing and repairing sap collection equipment, tapping and managing crop trees and responding to the effects of natural disturbances. Quality access to the sugarbush relies and a road and trail system that...


Sugarbush Management 2

By: uvmext

Late summer, while leaves are still green is a good time to assess the trees in your sugarbush. Weak or declining individuals will show areas of crown dieback. Trees with more than 75% dieback will likely not survive but are still competing for li...


Grupo Nominal UPRM

By: 97dconne

Nominal Groups (Spanish)


Building Food Resiliece in Puerto Rico Spanish version

By: 97dconne

Building Food Resilience in Puerto Rico Spanish version