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Results for: 'Community Assets'

To understand barriers affecting collaboration between social service providers and community health providers in order to promote research-based improvements in health outcomes in rural populations.

PHP - Group 3 UVMMC Poster Video
Our team worked with the UVMMC to determine ways to improve the Community Needs Health Assessment, especially in regards to outreach and consideration of underrepresented and diverse communities. As a pilot group for this sort of work, we looked i...

Subsistence fishing in the era of climate change
This 7 minute video captures the impact of climate changing on a subsistence fishing community in South India. If you are interested in learning more, please read the following paper:- Venugopal, S., Gau, R., Appau, S., Sample, K. and Pereira, R....

Dan Hicks Keynote from Repatriation/Restitution/Reparation Symposium — Nov. 4, 2021
Repatriation centers on the return of objects that were stolen from communities in Africa as part of European colonialism. The presence of these plundered objects in Euro-American museums contributes to ongoing imperial relationships and perspecti...

Agritourism as a Tool for Rural Development and Women’s Empowerment
Agritourism has the potential to empower women around the world, especially in rural communities. Join community leaders who are initiating this work in Uganda, North Macedonia, Peru, and the United States. We'll also hear from researchers who are...

This was presented by Dan Farrell. This presentation was part of a series of contributed talks from the 2021 FEMC Annual Conference hosted virtually. For more content from the 2021 conference please go to

Forest Farming in the Northeast: Building a Community of Practice
This was presented by Karam Sheban. This presentation was part of a series of contributed talks from the 2021 FEMC Annual Conference hosted virtually. For more content from the 2021 conference please go to