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Results for: '2022 Neuro-Obstetrics: Partnering to Prevent Maternal Neurological Morbidity and Mortality Eliza C. Miller'


Measuring Syrup Density

By: uvmext

Most people know that to make maple syrup you have to do a lot of boiling. You collect the sap from the trees and you evaporator the water while concentrating the sugars. You might not know that to determine if you actually have correct density sy...


​Creating Virtual Farm and Food Experiences

By: rcbartle

​​Whether it's farm tours or private tastings, we are all figuring out new ways to connect digitally with customers and colleagues. During this period of limited travel, farm and food businesses around the world are experimenting with innovati...


Lantigua: Antibiotic Resistance Podcast

By: alantigu

Who will I want the audience to be? I want the audience to be people who enjoy learning about the mysteries of the world but may not have a degree in science. I love listening to all kinds of podcasts and how they can highlight and teach about...


Ask Me Anything Recruiter Panel May 2022

By: aboothe

This panel discussion offers advice for students applying to jobs and/or graduate school. Panelists: Elizabeth Downey, Obinna Okani


CDCI Communications Fall Retreat update

By: choman

A screencast version of the Communications update for the CDCI Fall 2022 retreat. All about our Communications annual priorities, new Communications Guide, and new (draft) Accessibility Policy.


Maple Financial Planning & Profitability

By: 84ccoope

This presentation summarizes recent research on maple syrup cost of production and discusses strategies for financial planning to achieve profitability. Recorded 09/28/2022


Forest Tent Caterpillars Update

By: uvmext

It appears as though the recent widespread defoliation event related to forest tent caterpillar has ended. According to the Vermont Department of Forest Parks and Recreation, there have been no reports of defoliation attributed to this native inse...


International Maple Syrup Institute

By: uvmext

The International Maple Syrup Institute (IMSI) was founded in 1975 to promote and protect pure maple syrup and other pure maple products. Its mission remains largely unchanged: The organization provides an important international framework for com...


Invasive Worms

By: uvmext

Gardeners know that earthworms can be beneficial for growing vegetables and flowers by helping with soil aeration and producing fertilizer through their castings. Sugar makers may not know that earthworms and relatively newer invaders the so-calle...