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Results for: 'Video Analysis'


proofs with modus tollens and wedge out PHIL013AB

By: mcweiner

A video explaining two proof rules, modus tollens and wedge out, which can be used in proofs for PHIL013.


CS125 - Regular Expression to NFA

By: rdasari

This video is a supplement for students who are reading "Introduction To The Theory Of Computation" by Michael Sipser. I took the liberty of using the terminology from the textbook.


CS125 - DFA to GNFA to Regular Expression

By: rdasari

This video is a supplement for students who are reading "Introduction To The Theory Of Computation" by Michael Sipser. I took the liberty of using the terminology from the textbook.


CS125 - Introduction to Regular Expressions

By: rdasari

This video is a supplement for students who are reading "Introduction To The Theory Of Computation" by Michael Sipser. I took the liberty of using the terminology from the textbook.


CS021 - Menu Driven Programs

By: rdasari

CS021 - Computer Programming I University of Vermont Supplement video for Tony Gaddis, Starting out with Python, 4th Edition


Lab 4. Video 2. Wavelength Setting to 450nm

By: palvarez

Setting the spectrophotometer to 450nm.


Lab 4. Video 4. 450nm Fractions Test with Cell Suspension

By: palvarez

Testing the different collected fraction with Cells to detected lysozyme activity.