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Results for: 'Professional Practice Tool'

TRIPSCY Open Forum May 13, 2020
The second TRIPSCY Open Forum Heidi Wilhelm: Positioning for Children at Home with Postural Complications - Hypotonicity, Ligament Laxity Chayah Lichtig: Conversation about modes of practice that people are using right now

Guest Interview: Guido Mase' on Entheogens/Psychedelics and Sacred Plants
Guido Masé RH(AHG) is a clinical herbalist, herbal educator, and garden steward specializing in holistic Western herbalism, though his approach is eclectic and draws upon many influences. He spent his childhood in Italy, in the central Alps and i...

HDFS 161 Episode 5 Develecological Advocacy
Professor Shelton applies the principles of develecology to the practice of advocacy.

University of Vermont MS in Dietetics Open House - October 12
In this 1-hour live virtual open house, you will meet the UVM MSD Program Director and recent program graduates. Join us to learn about the MSD community focus on practice through the lens of a sustainable food system, graduate courses to fulfill ...

Uses of plant based healing in Santeria
Background of Santeria, and uses of plants for healing in the practice

Forest Farming in the Northeast: Building a Community of Practice
This was presented by Karam Sheban. This presentation was part of a series of contributed talks from the 2021 FEMC Annual Conference hosted virtually. For more content from the 2021 conference please go to