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Results for: 'Fall 2020 jury'

HST67/ENVS167#3-4_Patterns of Change and Continuity
Lecture on endogenous and exogenous factors shaping patterns of rise and fall

RSENR Fall Seminar Series: Jessica Cole
Jessica Cole, Ph.D. Candidate in the UVM Biology Department shares insights to her research in the third installment of the RSENR Fall Seminar Series: Learning from Early Career Researchers. Cole's talk is entitled: Investigating the Potential Tra...

CDCI Communications Fall Retreat update
A screencast version of the Communications update for the CDCI Fall 2022 retreat. All about our Communications annual priorities, new Communications Guide, and new (draft) Accessibility Policy.

PHYS021 Term Project trial video better angle
Index card is exactly 2 m away from contraption, which is behind origin.