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Results for: 'social construction of taste'

Second lecture on economic, social and political consequences of coronavirus pandemic

HDFS 161 Episode 5 Develecological Advocacy
Professor Shelton applies the principles of develecology to the practice of advocacy.

HDFS 161 Episode 7 Diversities & Ecosystems
Professor Shelton applies develecology to understand the effects of poverty, racism, and residential segregation on children and their development.

HDFS 161 Episode 10 Developing White Identity
Professor Shelton applies develecology to his own experience growing up in America, to illuminate the development and nature of white identity, and then to suggest approaches to understanding and reducing racism.

HDFS 161 Episode 11 Political Questions Chapter 1
Professor Shelton applies develecology to address questions about political disagreement.

HDFS 161 Episode 15 Develecology of School
Professor Shelton discusses the history of the Engineered Assembly Line paradigm for school and proposes an alternative paradigm based on Develecology.