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Results for: 'rat'


Sound (Teaching) Bite: Harnessing the Testing Effect for Learning (10/21/2019)

By: ctl

Jen Garrett-Ostermiller shares research from four experiments which document how to leverage test-enhancing learning for increased student retention of information, along with suggestions for incorporating retrieval practice into the classroom.


Mass Incarceration: Policy Change

By: jwillia4

This video is for our D1 class on Mass incarceration and it covers a topic about a policy change in sentencing and homelessness.


WOTC: Mass Incarceration

By: inick

Mass Incarceration Capstone Project group 24


mass incarceration

By: inick

mass incarceration capstone



By: anbuchan

Lecture 21 on Population growth, migration and urbanization. Reading is Global Problems, 154-167.


3 Ways to Launch Video Meetings in MS Teams

By: sthennes

Quick demonstration of how to launch video meetings via the call, teams, and calendar buttons.


Shelburne Farms Maple Sugaring Part 5: Tap Sap to Syrup

By: mmcdonal

Tour of Maple sugaring operation at shelburne farms with George Conklin of Shelburne Farms


Shelburne Farms Maple Sugaring Part 9: What is Important to You and Wrapping up

By: mmcdonal

Tour of operations at Shelburne Farms with George Conklin


UVM Integrative Health Certificates Info Session

By: kcallend

UVM Integrative Health Certificates Information Session