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Results for: 'Listening Report '


Final listening report

By: yxia3

listening report


Listening Video Report #1

By: swei1

A report of everyday leadership


YujieZHANG(Carolina)’s listening report 09/20/2019 Talk about Video

By: yzhang10

Carolina’s listening report of a video which find in BBC website, and the name of video is Arthur Conan Doyle: The Man Behind Sherlock Holmes. The date is Sep 20, 2019


YujieZHANG(Carolina)’s listening report 09/20/2019 Talk about Video

By: yzhang10

Carolina’ listening report of a video which find in BBC website, and the name of the video is Arthur Conan Doyle: The Man Behind Sherlock Holmes. The date is Sep 20, 2019.


Listening report3

By: yqiu4

listening report3


Listening report1

By: xlin4

Listening report1