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Results for: 'End of History'
This workshop introduces broad principles for designing courses that are inclusive, flexible, and organized to align course goals, assignments, and assessments. By the end of this workshop, participants will have articulated well-formed goals fo...
Forest Tent Caterpillars Update
It appears as though the recent widespread defoliation event related to forest tent caterpillar has ended. According to the Vermont Department of Forest Parks and Recreation, there have been no reports of defoliation attributed to this native inse...
Like people, plants have strong mechanisms to prevent the spread of microorganisms within their tissues. Trees are capable of "walling off" wounds to prevent infections from spreading throughout the tree. This healing process also slows, and event...
Who were the first sugar makers? Many believe native Americans were the first to collect sugar from maple trees in North America. In fact, it was probably squirrels. Squirrels have been observed collecting encrusted sugar from the end twigs they n...
Access to a sugarbush is critical for installing and repairing sap collection equipment, tapping and managing crop trees and responding to the effects of natural disturbances. Quality access to the sugarbush relies and a road and trail system that...
Reports of above average syrup production have been common across Vermont in 2020. Sugar makers report excellent quality syrup being produced throughout the season. In general, March was slightly above average for temperature and April was below a...
The USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service or NASS has released the crop totals for the 2020 maple season. People familiar with maple sugaring might remember that it takes approximately 40 gallons of sap to make one gallon of syrup. This ra...
Study-abroad course: France and the resistance movement in the Vercors region
Study-abroad course: France and the resistance movement in the Vercors region
HST10#21C_Ideologies of Imperialism
History 10 lecture #21 examines the ideological frameworks of imperialism and colonialism.