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Results for: 'Community Health'


Public Health

By: rdoane

This is a video of a powerpoint presentation showing how people view public health and what public health is and how it is important.


Public Health Video Project

By: lstigers

What is public health? What are its functions? How can you be a part of public health? Intended audience: 8th graders


What is Public Health?

By: kmrobles

Introduction to Public Health Class Digital Story - What is Public Health?


What is Public Health?

By: aheadwel

"What is Public Health?" for Dr.Garnett


NFS 143 Podcast Project Team 5

By: jrmccorm

In this episode, we will discuss what food insecurity is, what it looks like for college students, and what we should do about it. Food insecurity is a growing issue in our country today. As we explore the topic of food insecurity focused on colle...


What is Public Health?

By: cwalke20

History, achievements, and examples of public health.


Continence Visual Supports

By: jnauheim

This video reviews easy to make visual supports families can use during toileting and instructions on how to make them. The Continence Project believes the mastery of toileting skills promotes inclusion at home, school, and in the community. We be...


PHP - Group 3 UVMMC Poster Video

By: staylor7

Our team worked with the UVMMC to determine ways to improve the Community Needs Health Assessment, especially in regards to outreach and consideration of underrepresented and diverse communities. As a pilot group for this sort of work, we looked i...


MDG 3.7: Reproductive Health

By: slucy

Public Health 308 MDG Assignment