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Results for: 'ebb and flood'
Hits, Misses and Incoming: A review of Federal and state pests of concern
This was presented by Judy Rosovsky. This presentation was part of a series of contributed talks from the 2020 FEMC Annual Conference hosted virtually for the first time. For more content from the 2020 conference please go to
This was presented by Jennifer Pontius. This presentation was part of a series of contributed talks from the 2020 FEMC Annual Conference hosted virtually for the first time. For more content from the 2020 conference please go to https://www.uvm.ed...
This was presented by Joshua Blouin. This presentation was part of a series of contributed talks from the 2020 FEMC Annual Conference hosted virtually for the first time. For more content from the 2020 conference please go to
Classroom Mics and Mic Packs - Connecting/Disconnecting
In this video, we describe how to connect and disconnect a classroom microphone to the mic packs, available in some campus classrooms.
How to Add and Organize References in Zotero
This video will show you how to add references to Zotero and then organize those references for easy use.
Kate Miller, Quantitative Ecologist, National Park Service Inventory and Monitoring Program (NPS I&M), presents the day 1 plenary at the 2020 FEMC Conference. Additional conference content can be accessed at
This video introduces TCS foods and RTE Foods. Examples of each will be given.
Chapter 2 Introduction to Contamination and How Food Becomes Contaminated
Introduction to biological, chemical and physical contamination. Includes examples of how each can occur. Ends with discussion of symptoms associated with food borne illness.
Chapt 2 Biological Contamination and FATTOM
This is an introduction to the concept of biological contamination and ends with a discussion of FATTOM. FATTOM is an acronym used to identify means of controlling microbial growth.