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Results for: 'rise of state-level societies'


HST 10#34_MidEast

By: anbuchan

Lecture on Middle East post World War II


HST 10#34_MidEast_2

By: anbuchan

Second part of Lecture #34


Schmidt, Dani Ad presentation

By: dschmidt

State Farm 'Back in the Office'


#ExpertsLive | Government Power in Times of Crisis

By: strigg

Lisa Holmes, Associate Professor of Political Science, University of Vermont Part of the #ExpertsLive series by the College of Arts & Sciences. In this talk, Professor Holmes looks at emergency powers, executive power, and federalism in the ...


Safely Selling Local Food at Farm Stands and CSAs during COVID-19, 5/6/20 Webinar (audio only)

By: clherric

Demand for local food is surging, and many Vermont farms are heeding the call to feed their communities. They have adapted time and again to the evolving COVID-19 situation to ensure the safety of their food, customers, employees, and farms. TheyĆ¢...


Guest Speaker, Sarah Ray, Pivotal Pedagogy

By: ctl

Sarah Ray gave a talk to participants in Pivotal Pedagogy, May 2020. Dr. Ray is the author of A Field Guide to Climate Anxiety: How to Keep Your Cool on a Warming Planet (UC Press, 2020), which came out on Earth Day this year, in the middle of ano...


Bursell, Luke AT HOME BNP

By: lbursel1

Economic program from the state of Vermont.


Forest Tent Caterpillars Update

By: uvmext

It appears as though the recent widespread defoliation event related to forest tent caterpillar has ended. According to the Vermont Department of Forest Parks and Recreation, there have been no reports of defoliation attributed to this native inse...



By: uvmext

Vermont laws governing the production and sale of pure maple syrup grant the authority to regulate to the Vermont Agency of Agriculture Food and Markets. The regulations that have been developed as a result of those laws cover everything from the ...