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Results for: 'Qualitative Research Methods'


Maine TREE (Timber Research & Environmental Education)

By: vmc

Maine TREE (Timber Research & Environmental Education) educates and advocates for the sustainable use of the forest and the ecological, economic, and social health of Maine's forest communities. Since 1989, Maine TREE has upheld this mission and s...


Traditional Collection Methods

By: uvmext

Traditional methods of sap collection have changed over time. Initially, Native Americans created gashes in the stem, and directed sap into wooden or bark vessels. Early spouts were created by hollowing out small twigs, which were inserted into ta...


Three Methods of Beer Production

By: tpritcha

This video shows the steps for the three different methods of making beer.


List methods

By: cbcafier

Introduction to list methods .sort(), .append(), .pop()


What gets returned by sequence methods

By: cbcafier

What gets returned by sequence methods


Pedagogical Workshop: Increase Learning While Reducing Cheating

By: ctl

Research shows that cheating behavior is linked, not to individual students, but to the environment in which those students are learning. This is good news, because it means you can actually reduce cheating in your classes. The additional good new...


NFS 143 Podcast Project Team 5

By: jrmccorm

In this episode, we will discuss what food insecurity is, what it looks like for college students, and what we should do about it. Food insecurity is a growing issue in our country today. As we explore the topic of food insecurity focused on colle...


Key Informant Interviews and Focus Groups

By: 97dconne

Key Informant Interviews and Focus Groups video lecture 2023