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Results for: 'Monitoring'

NEFIN: The Northeastern Forest Inventory Network
The Northeastern Forest Inventory Network (NEFIN) aggregates and standardizes continuous forest inventory (CFI) data from monitoring programs across the northeastern United States. In this webinar, we explore the NEFIN online tool's features, incl...

A Real-time Early Detection and Monitoring System Based on Citizen Science Observations
This was a contributed talk by Kyle Lima as a part of the 2023 FEMC Annual Conference.

3 Years of Monitoring 15 Riparian Tree Plantings on ANR Land
This was a contributed talk by Sam Puddicombe as a part of the 2023 FEMC Annual Conference.

Creating a Model for Fire Management Monitoring in Dry Oak Habitats
This was a contributed talk by Ryan Rebozo as a part of the 2023 FEMC Annual Conference.

Field Methods for Monitoring Recreation Impacts on Forest Ecosystems
Recreation and Forest Ecosystems - Elissa Schuett