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Results for: 'Market Research Part 2'


Deco Drive 2001

By: waw

Dear Belkys and Lynn: Help! We live in the small town of Starksboro, VT, population 1700 or so. We still have one of them old timey giant C-Band satellite dishes in our backyard. It brings us FOX TV via WSVN Miami. More importantly, it br...


Maple Color Grades

By: uvmext

There are four grades of pure maple syrup; Golden Color/Delicate Taste, Amber Color/Rich Taste, Dark Color/Robust Taste and Very Dark Color/Strong Taste. Each grade has a range in color as defined by its light transmittance. Knowing the color of p...


Organic Maple Syrup

By: uvmext

Certified organic maple syrup is produced by many Vermont maple producers and generally commands a higher price in the marketplace. In order to legally market your syrup as "organic" an approved third-party certifier such as Vermont Organic Farmer...


2020 Crop Update #2

By: uvmext

The USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service or NASS has released the crop totals for the 2020 maple season. Vermont let the US in total taps with 6.15 million statewide. New York had the next highest number of taps with 2.8 million. Combined...


Reaching Your Target Market: Booking Sites for Farm Stays and Experiences

By: rcbartle

Agritourism operators discuss the options for listing and booking farm stays and experiences.


Syrup Quality - Density

By: uvmext

Producing pure maple syrup is a time honored tradition in Vermont. Whether you are a large producer filling drums and selling on the bulk market or a backyard producer making just enough for family and a few lucky friends, syrup quality is critica...


Innovative Ways to Sell Agricultural Products Direct to Consumers

By: rcbartle

The evolving pandemic has brought to light the importance of promoting agri-food products in local markets, purchasing locally sourced supplies, and selling direct to consumers. Join French-speaking partners (southern Quebec, Eastern Ontario and t...


Valorisation de circuits courts, par la Francophonie « Des options originales pour acheter local!

By: rcbartle

Le contexte pandémie en évolution a mis en lumière l’importance de valoriser les produits agroalimentaires sur les marchés locaux, de s’approvisionner localement, de commercialiser en circuits courts. À travers cette conférence, donnée en collabor...


STAT 141: Using the Research Log

By: gsherrif

A short video describing how to document research for STAT 141: Basic Statistical Methods.