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Results for: 'HST 15 Podcast'


NFS 2143 - Nutrition in the Life Cycle Podcast - The Hormonal Cycle

By: mnebzydo

This is our submission for the group podcast (group 15) on nutritional needs throughout the hormone cycle. Group: Maggie Nebzydoski, Emma Breahna, Josie Beauregard, Cate Thiery.



By: anbuchan

Part 2 of lecture on postwar anti-colonial rebellions


HST 10#34_MidEast

By: anbuchan

Lecture on Middle East post World War II


2017 Dengue Epidemic in Sri Lanka

By: sgogerly

The worst recorded outbreak of Dengue in the last decade occurred in 2017. This podcast presents interviews with the Director of the Dengue Control Program in Sri Lanka and a leading Pediatrician in a Postgraduate Teaching Hospital.