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Results for: 'EC011 Video Project'


Video Salmonella Cross Contamination Video

By: tpritcha

cross contamination in the kitchen visualized with glo germ


CESS Academic Orientation Video

By: mjfaber

CESS Academic Orientation Video


250Ethics lecture video

By: 97dconne

Research ethics video


Technological Sound Bite: Flipgrid Overview

By: ctl

Flipgrid, a video-based, asynchronous discussion tool, is available for free as part of UVM's Microsoft Office 365 suite. Instructors set up prompts and parameters for student videos (including length limits of 15sec to 10min). Students respond to...


CDAE168 Products Part 1

By: 97dconne

CDAE168 Products Part 1 video lecture


Baby's Meal

By: hmacinty

This is my Lumiere Brothers remake video. I did not have another person to make the video with me so I put a little twist on it and played both characters. I know this twist isn't a realistic representation of the editing capabilities of the time ...