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Results for: 'Special Education'


Field Education - Learning Disability

By: socwork

Field Education Training Video


Field Education - Self-Reflective Practice

By: socwork

Field Education Training Video


Field Education - Skill Level

By: socwork

Field Education Training Video


Field Education - Supervisory Meetings

By: socwork

Field Education Training Video


Guest Interview: Guido Mase' on Entheogens/Psychedelics and Sacred Plants

By: kcelmer

Guido Masé RH(AHG) is a clinical herbalist, herbal educator, and garden steward specializing in holistic Western herbalism, though his approach is eclectic and draws upon many influences. He spent his childhood in Italy, in the central Alps and i...


HDFS 161 Episode 16 Designing a New Education

By: lshelton

Professor Shelton illustrates the assembly line perspective and its implications, contrasting it with a develecological understanding of typical features of school.


HDFS 161 Episode 16 Part 2

By: lshelton

Professor Shelton continues his discussion of the contrast between the assembly line paradigm for education and a develecological paradigm.