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Results for: 'Grade Book'


1.4 Binary Numbers

By: rdasari

CS021 - Computer Programming I University of Vermont A supplement video to the book: Tony Gaddis, Starting out with Python, 4th Edition


Zheran Zhu, Andy, Video Log 1. Jan 26, Module 1

By: zzhu7

How to die well, what can we do to die well, can young blood, grade A,


Zheran Zhu, Andy, Video log 2, Feb 3, module 2

By: zzhu7

How the university becomes in 18minutes, we are all cyborgs, grade B


Grading Assignments in Blackboard

By: ctl

This video is for instructors and TAs using Blackboard's Assignment Tool


Shelburne Farms Maple Sugaring Part 7: Some History and Why no more Grade B?

By: mmcdonal

Tour and instruction by George Conklin of Shelburne Farms



By: uvmext

Although bucket spouts are still available, most spouts used in the maple industry currently are plastic and designed to be used with vacuum. Spouts are constructed of food-grade nylon or polycarbonate and are smaller in size (5/16" diameter) than...


Diatomaceous Earth (DE) Filtering

By: uvmext

Just as the sugars found in sap become concentrated during boiling, so too are the naturally occurring minerals found in sap. As the concentration of minerals increases in the sap, it approaches, then exceeds the point of saturation. When that hap...


Overdriving Spouts

By: uvmext

Although bucket spouts are still available, most spouts used in the maple industry currently are plastic and designed to be used with vacuum. Spouts are constructed of food-grade nylon or polycarbonate and are smaller in size (5/16" diameter) than...