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Results for: 'Adapted Physical Activity'

Research Study of Motor Learning in ASD
recruitment and informational video about a research study of motor learning using video modeling in children with autism spectrum disorder

A subjective interview, by Connor Moore, evaluated by Miranda Nelson and Andrew Nadeau.

Analyzing The Outcomes of a Comprehensive Pain Management Program
How might comprehensive pain programs help patients living with chronic pain? We analyzed the Comprehensive Pain Program through UVM Integrative Health to find out how completion of the program affected patients across health domains comprising ph...

NFS 143 Podcast Project Team 5
In this episode, we will discuss what food insecurity is, what it looks like for college students, and what we should do about it. Food insecurity is a growing issue in our country today. As we explore the topic of food insecurity focused on colle...

Motor learning and video modeling study
This video explains the study procedures for a motor learning and video modeling study

Lens Distortion Procedure for Kinovea
This video demonstrates the steps to correct the lens distorsion to make measurements with Kinovea

Elevator Pitch to CEO of BCBS Kim Keck to help erase the limits of physical therapy visits.