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Results for: 'EC011 Video Project'


Motor learning and video modeling study

By: lsavard

This video explains the study procedures for a motor learning and video modeling study


Final Service Dog Video

By: cckeefe

This is the final video for World of Working Animals, a video about the potential downsides of having a service dog.


Oaxaca Promotional Video

By: 92csicca

A promotional video for the UVM Oaxaca program.


Building and Editing a Menu in Drupal

By: mmthomas

Video on how to edit and build a Drupal menu.


Plan for your Drupal site homepage

By: mmthomas

Drupal training video on how to plan for your Drupal homepage.


My Video

By: wverreib

Here is my video. I hope you like it.


Observation Q Video Documentation

By: clhurley

This video shows children interacting with a variety of toy vehicles and tubes.


Vermont Food Venture Center - Video Tour

By: distance

A video tour of the Vermont Food Venture Center.