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Results for: 'Video log 3'


Welcome to PH 301

By: 92csicca

Welcome video for Public Health 301. Public Health & Health Policy.


Mentor Teacher Training

By: ktoksu

Training video for mentor teachers.



By: csdavis

BSAD 015 Sustainability Initiative Video


Ward, Buccellato, Wang, Xia

By: zbuccell

BSAD 015 Sustainability Initiative Video


Weekly Rites #1 Briana Leger

By: bleger

In this weekly rites, I was mostly experimenting with the new process. During much of this video, I am watching a fly on the ceiling. I didn't have any particular thoughts or direction in mind, I was just letting my body do its own thing.


Weekly Rites #1 Mi Tian

By: mtian

I felt very shy making movement in front of the camera, especially in the public. So I just cut some of the movement into the video.


Weekly Rites #1 Di Lu

By: dlu3

There were some random people passing through the video and it was really interesting to see how it happens and how we interacting with them. They are dancing also in my mind.


Sarah Weekly Rite #1

By: swhetzle

My classmate filmed me for twenty minutes as I walked around campus. This is three minutes of that footage. The video reflects what I usually do if I have free time between classes.


Weekly Rites #2 Briana Leger

By: bleger

This week I wanted to focus a little bit more on the things around me, as opposed to my own body. As a general theme, I was thinking a lot about how I could make the objects around me look, and how I could make myself look like them. In the very...