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Kate Miller, Quantitative Ecologist, National Park Service Inventory and Monitoring Program (NPS I&M), presents the day 1 plenary at the 2020 FEMC Conference. Additional conference content can be accessed at
University Scholar Lecture Series - Asim Zia, Ph.D.
University Scholar, Asim Zia, Ph.D., Lecture recording.
Tips for Making Your Blackboard Course More Student-Friendly
7 ideas to simplify, organize, and make less frustrating to navigate your course
Tips for Making Your Blackboard Course More Student-Friendly
7 tips that you can implement to make a better organized, easier to navigate Blackboard course.
WFB 224 Intro to systems thinking lab
This is a LOOPY narrated video describing the major parts of the Grant and Grant 1993 paper assigned for the first lab of WFB 224.