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Results for: 'Forest Health'


Susceptible Populations Preventing Issues and Government Agencies

By: tpritcha

This video introduces susceptible populations, identifies means of control once again and identifies governmental agencies responsible for food safety and outbreak investigations.


Reporting an Illness, When to Restrict or Exclude Workers

By: tpritcha

This video indicates how to make sure employees report their illnesses if appropriate as well as what to do if an employee has certain illnesses. This can range from excluding them from your facility completely to restricting them from working in ...


Maggie Matthijs COMU 123 Final Project

By: mmatthij

How Social Distancing Impacts Mental Health


Group 5 PHP Presentation

By: mmohardt

"Health Benefits Are Associated with Employment Status for People with Intellectual Disabilities"


Herbicide and Conservation Agriculture #1: Glyphosate & Atrazine

By: kworkman

Dwight Lingenfelter, Penn State University Extension Weed scientist presents Glyphosate & Atrazine basics…how do they work, what are their benefits and risks, management factors to reduce risks to the environment and human health, considerations f...


PHP 12 Hunger Free Vermont

By: tllong

Zoom Guided tour of PHP Group 12's poster identifying adaptations to school meal distributions in response to the Covid-19 Pandemic.


PHP 16: Initial Assessment of a Suicide Prevention Resource for Vermont Primary Care

By: vgupta

Zoom Guided tour of PHP Group 16's poster assessing a Suicide Prevention Resource for Vermont Primary Care.


Age Well: Home Health Care Shortages in Northwestern VT during the COVID-19 Pandemic

By: jsaltman

PHP Group 09: Age Well Jeremy Altman, Matt Breseman, Edom Girma, Alex Kubacki, Louisa Moore, Amanda Nattress, Noah Sorkow, Kristen Wright