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Results for: 'rat'


Dilly Bean Introduction and Prelab Assignment

By: tpritcha

Discussion of the dilly bean process and the unit operations we will be addressing


A Culinary Lens on Agritourism

By: rcbartle

Food is an ultimate connector and a big part of why we travel. We share stories, form relationships and build communities around the table, and through our culinary traditions. In this gathering, we will hear stories from around the world of the r...


UVM Art History Symposium 2021

By: khelmstu

Erin Petit: Hidden Histories: The Colmar Treasure and Jewish Cultural Heritage Kat Schinella: Orientalism in Auction Houses: A Provenance Exploration of Alexandre-Gabriel Decamps 1948 Farm Yard in the Fleming Museum of Art Dulcie Ulloa: The Deat...


HDFS 060 Episode 27 Families & Macrosystems

By: lshelton

Professor Shelton discusses changes in macrosystems and the processes of adaptation families experience when their macrosystems change or when they move from one macrosystem to another.


Herbicide and Conservation Agriculture #1: Glyphosate & Atrazine

By: kworkman

Dwight Lingenfelter, Penn State University Extension Weed scientist presents Glyphosate & Atrazine basics…how do they work, what are their benefits and risks, management factors to reduce risks to the environment and human health, considerations f...


Chandler Naomi Podcast: Coral Reefs

By: nachandl

Coral Reefs and Marine biologist Tim Gordon's experiments with audio restoration


Rainbow Graduation 2021 Ceremony

By: laguiler

The Prism Center celebrates LGBTQA+ graduates and award winners in the Rainbow Graduation 2021 virtual ceremony. For access to the ceremony transcription, please refer to


PHP 11: Next Generation Cancer Screenings

By: nkrant

Our PHP group helped the Next Generation Cancer Screening group, better known as Less Cancer, by surveying individuals on their understanding of the utility of cancer screenings. We assessed participants' understanding of screening as it pertains...


Analyzing The Outcomes of a Comprehensive Pain Management Program

By: pmcclurg

How might comprehensive pain programs help patients living with chronic pain? We analyzed the Comprehensive Pain Program through UVM Integrative Health to find out how completion of the program affected patients across health domains comprising ph...