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Results for: 'remote assessment'

Center for Teaching and Learning, University of Vermont. An introduction to the Remote (synchronous) Teaching Modality with several tips and ideas for implementing it.

CTL Faculty Associates: Encouraging Academic Integrity in Remote Assessments
CTL Faculty Associates: Encouraging Academic Integrity in Remote Assessments

CTL Faculty Associates Share Ideas for Encouraging Academic Integrity in Remote Assessments
CTL Faculty Associates Share Ideas for Encouraging Academic Integrity in Remote Assessments

Ground Truthing Forest Change in Working Forests of the US Northeast
This was presented by Madeleine Desrochers as a part of a series of contributed talks from the 2022 FEMC Annual Conference. To learn more about the conference, visit: Remote monitoring tools ar...

A Map-based Stock Change Approach for Fine-scale Biomass and Carbon Accounting in New York State
This was presented by Lucas Johnson as a part of a series of contributed talks from the 2022 FEMC Annual Conference. To learn more about the conference, visit: Field-based forest inventories, l...

Barriers for Emerging Tree Planting Strategies in Response to Global Change
This was presented by Peter Clark as a part of a series of contributed talks from the 2022 FEMC Annual Conference. To learn more about the conference, visit: Field-based forest inventories, lik...

6 - Risk Assessment. NCHRP 20-44(17) UAS Workshop.
Lecture 6 on risk assessment. Part of the NCHRP 20-44(17) UAS Workshop.