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Results for: 'remote'

Kevin Gannon Keynote - Pivotal Pedagogy
Kevin Gannon, PhD was the keynote speaker at the remote conference, Pivotal Pedagogy, in May 2020. Dr. Gannon is the Director of the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning and Professor of History at Grand View University in Des Moines, Io...

This is the video presentation of our paper for the 2020 L4DC conference, which has gone remote due to the travel restrictions.

Teaching Modalities - In-person
Center for Teaching and Learning, University of Vermont. An introduction to the Remote (synchronous) Teaching Modality with several tips and ideas for implementing it.

Sharing Stories: Faculty Reflections on Teaching in Fall 2020
Join us for a storytelling session that fosters creative reflection and builds community among tellers and listeners! CTL faculty associates have been experimenting with a structured writing process to create their “teaching in Fall 2020 story.â...

Pedagogical Workshop: Community Building in a Pandemic
This workshop presents an overview of strategies to build community in an online teaching environment. Whether you are teaching a fully online class, remote, or mixed, we will discuss simple ways to make the most of the technologies available to y...

Population Dynamics of Montane Invertebrates and Birds
This was presented by Jason Hill as a part of a series of contributed talks from the 2022 FEMC Annual Conference. To learn more about the conference, visit: Invertebrates perform essential, irr...