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Results for: 'plant-based healing medicine'


Lecture: Community Herbalism & Sense of Place (ENVS195OL3-PBHM2020)

By: kcelmer

ENVS 195 Plant-based Healing Medicine Lecture: Community Herbalism & Sense of Place (60 minutes)


UVM Herb Walk

By: bmunach

Katherine Elmer takes Plant-Based healing Medicine students on a virtual tour of the array of medicinal plants available on UVM's campus.


Group Hawthorne Rootwork Herbals

By: afriel

Group Hawthorne's presentation on Rootwork Herbals for ENVS 195, Plant Based Healing Medicine


Barriers for Emerging Tree Planting Strategies in Response to Global Change

By: vmc

This was presented by Peter Clark as a part of a series of contributed talks from the 2022 FEMC Annual Conference. To learn more about the conference, visit: Field-based forest inventories, lik...


Vermont Medicine Cover Timeline

By: ckehoe

Vermont Medicine Cover Timeline


HST67/ENVS167#3-3: The Global Predominance of Agriculture-Based Empires

By: anbuchan

Lecture reviewing the long global predominance of agriculture-based empires.


Welcome to Cannabis Science and Medicine Program

By: 92csicca

Welcome video for the UVM Cannabis Science and Medicine Program.


Cannabis Science and Medicine Course Orientation

By: 92csicca

Course orientation for the Cannabis Science and Medicine program.


Welcome to Module 2

By: 92csicca

Welcome to the second module of the UVM Cannabis Science and Medicine certificate program.