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Results for: 'Tools'


Virtual Environments for Communicating Changing Forests

By: vmc

This was presented by Michael Mahoney as a part of a series of contributed talks from the 2022 FEMC Annual Conference. To learn more about the conference, visit: Forests are dynamic systems, ...


Creating an Open Access Impact Within and Beyond the University

By: schwrks

A growing movement is using tools such as open access journals and repositories to transform scholarly communications on a global scale. Open access refers to literature and published research results that are made available online without access ...


Live video from network IP camera via Wowza

By: waw

A quick look at the Wowza streaming server live video applications management tools


Justifying Your Budget

By: ktoksu

Topics discussed include: who is responsible for budget development at UVM; how a budget is used by reviewers and program officials; the budget tools available; budget prep best practices; budget justification best practices; different types of co...