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Results for: 'Importance of Dylan's Lyrics'


Major Cell Components of Interest

By: tpritcha

This video touches on the major components of interest as well as indicating the importance of Phosphorus to the cell.


University of Vermont Biology Thanksgiving: Gratitude in Science

By: tsoleary

Thanksgiving is traditionally a time to take a step back from the day-to-day grind and take a mental inventory of the things for which we are grateful: our family, friends, colleagues, homes, & health. This is especially important in a brutal year...


Chap 2 Viruses Parasites and Fungi

By: tpritcha

Discussion of general characteristics of each. Special discussion of both Hepatitis A and Norovirus. Parasites includes mention of worms and importance of knowing that fish to be served raw or undercooked must be frozen first to kill worms. Trichi...


Infant Microbiome: How Microbes Form Mutualistic Relationships with the Human Body

By: echynes

Scientific podcast for BCOR012 discussing the importance of the infant microbiome and the interaction between the bacteria and the host.


Agritourism Definitions and Standards around the World

By: rcbartle

What is agritourism anyway? Definitions and standards vary around the world, with some understandings focused on educational experiences on working farms while other perspectives are more expansive. Researchers and practitioners from Italy, India,...


Innovative Ways to Sell Agricultural Products Direct to Consumers

By: rcbartle

The evolving pandemic has brought to light the importance of promoting agri-food products in local markets, purchasing locally sourced supplies, and selling direct to consumers. Join French-speaking partners (southern Quebec, Eastern Ontario and t...


Valorisation de circuits courts, par la Francophonie « Des options originales pour acheter local!

By: rcbartle

Le contexte pandémie en évolution a mis en lumière l’importance de valoriser les produits agroalimentaires sur les marchés locaux, de s’approvisionner localement, de commercialiser en circuits courts. À travers cette conférence, donnée en collabor...


Lantigua: Antibiotic Resistance Podcast

By: alantigu

Who will I want the audience to be? I want the audience to be people who enjoy learning about the mysteries of the world but may not have a degree in science. I love listening to all kinds of podcasts and how they can highlight and teach about...


Leveraging Community Science to Complement Professional Field Surveys and Fill Data Gaps for Invasive Insects

By: vmc

This was presented by Mitchell O'Neill as a part of a series of contributed talks from the 2022 FEMC Annual Conference. To learn more about the conference, visit: Invasive insects like spotted ...