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How to talk like an accountant - for library staff
In this short screencast Gary explains accounting terms in layperson's terms. This is specifically for public libraries, but can be used by any audience wishing to more about common accounting terms.
Guest Interview: Guido Mase' on Entheogens/Psychedelics and Sacred Plants
Guido Masé RH(AHG) is a clinical herbalist, herbal educator, and garden steward specializing in holistic Western herbalism, though his approach is eclectic and draws upon many influences. He spent his childhood in Italy, in the central Alps and i...
NR 104 Cape Wind Case Study Part 1 - Spring 2020
This is a screen cast with an overview of materials for Cape Wind Case Study Part 1.
Lecture: Globalization, Colonialism, and Modern Herbal Medicine (Elmer)
"Globalization, Colonialism, and Modern Herbal Medicine"
Group Hawthorne Rootwork Herbals
Group Hawthorne's presentation on Rootwork Herbals for ENVS 195, Plant Based Healing Medicine