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Results for: 'rat'


Farm-Based Education in Every City and Town

By: rcbartle

Connecting with land through agriculture can be educational, joyful, healing, and empowering. From a Yellow Farmhouse in Connecticut to an apiary in Botswana, and a hillside campus in Vermont to an urban farm school in New York City, four panelist...


Pedagogical Workshop: Community Building in a Pandemic

By: ctl

This workshop presents an overview of strategies to build community in an online teaching environment. Whether you are teaching a fully online class, remote, or mixed, we will discuss simple ways to make the most of the technologies available to y...


2020 Conference: Introductions and Welcome

By: vmc

Introduction and Welcome at the 2020 Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative Conference. Peter Church (Director of Forest Stewardship, Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation), James Duncan (Director, Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Co...


Impacts of Emerald Ash Borer Management on Northern Hardwood Forest Dynamics in New England

By: vmc

This was presented by Hanusia Higgins. This presentation was part of a series of contributed talks from the 2020 FEMC Annual Conference hosted virtually for the first time. For more content from the 2020 conference please go to


Hits, Misses and Incoming: A review of Federal and state pests of concern

By: vmc

This was presented by Judy Rosovsky. This presentation was part of a series of contributed talks from the 2020 FEMC Annual Conference hosted virtually for the first time. For more content from the 2020 conference please go to


Red Pine Decline in Vermont

By: vmc

This was presented by Savannah L Ferreira. This presentation was part of a series of contributed talks from the 2020 FEMC Annual Conference hosted virtually for the first time. For more content from the 2020 conference please go to https://www.uvm...


2020 FEMC Conference: Closing statements

By: vmc

Closing statements by Jennifer Pontius (USFS NRS, RSENR, FEMC) at the 2020 Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative Conference. More information can be accessed at


Charles T. Driscoll presents Effects of Changing Atmospheric Deposition and Climate on the Structure and Function of a Northern Forest: Long-Term Measurements and Experiments from the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, NH

By: vmc

Charles T. Driscoll, Professor of Environmental Systems; Professor of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY, presents the day two plenary at the 2020 FEMC Conference...


Active Learning in Remote Synchronous Classes

By: ctl

Remote synchronous teaching and learning is here to stay, for at least one more semester. In this session, we’ll use a holistic view of active learning* to frame student engagement and promote deep learning. You’ll be asked to identify at least on...