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Results for: 'MU 060 project 1'


Glass of Water Counting Device

By: bmonarca

This video is an overview of a device that counts the glasses of water someone drinks per day. It was made for the EE001 final project for the Spring 2020 semester.


EE 001 Final Project

By: emcgloon

Video of an interval timer.


Talks From the Tuna Tower: Illegal Fish

By: zisleib

Final project - podcast on all things illegal for fishing and trading, includes ecological impact.


EE001 Final Project

By: dlavoie

Here is a video of my final for Electrical Engineering.


EE001 Final Project: Temperature Probe in Tinkercad

By: arunci

This video is a description and explanation of the temperature probe I made in tinkercad for the final lab assignment in EE001.


TRIPSCY Open Forum April 29, 2020

By: jnauheim

This is a recorded Open Forum through the Center on Disability and Community Inclusion's TRIPSCY Project. Experts discuss transitioning to adult services and employment skills and transition strategies for students with disabilities. Timecodes:...


TRIPSCY Open Forum May 27, 2020

By: jnauheim

This is the third Open Forum hosted by the TRIPSCY project.


CS211 Final Project

By: nshunnar

Shunnar, Nadine & Ten Eyck, Jake


Ayurveda: Group Hyssop

By: aberish

This project touches on the concepts of Ayurveda and how they connect to herbalism, plants, and modern day practices.