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Results for: 'One Health'


Welcome to Risk Communication

By: 92csicca

Welcome to Risk Communication course at UVM.


Welcome to Investigating Disease Outbreaks

By: 92csicca

Welcome to Investigating Disease Outbreaks.


Sture Hansson: University of Vermont Marsh Professor Lecture The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: On Algal Blooms in the Baltic Sea

By: presdent

Blue-green algal blooms are common in the Baltic Sea as well as in many lakes, and they are often seen as a nuisance and an indication of environmental degradation. But because something is ugly does not necessarily mean that it's also bad. Can cy...


Recommendation for Routine AAA Screening in Men Ages 65-75 who smoke

By: mkilbrid

2 min elevator speech of why we should start incorporating a AAA screening in all men ages 65-75 who smoke or have ever smoked.


"What is Public Health" by Eliza Bruns

By: elbruns

A digital story for HSCI 021 by Eliza Bruns



By: anbuchan

First of three lectures on disease and healthcare.



By: anbuchan

Lecture on the epidemiology of the current coronavirus pandemic


Beyoncé and Behavioral Economics

By: efpope

Today Beyoncé is our tour guide through the basic principles of behavioral economics and health behaviors.