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Results for: 'Fall 2023'


Creating a Model for Fire Management Monitoring in Dry Oak Habitats

By: vmc

This was a contributed talk by Ryan Rebozo as a part of the 2023 FEMC Annual Conference.


FEMC Annual Conference Plenary: Keynote Address

By: vmc

This was the keynote address from Heather Furman as a part of the 2023 FEMC Annual Conference.


FEMC Annual Conference Plenary: Welcoming Remarks

By: vmc

This was the welcoming remarks of the 2023 FEMC Annual Conference.


FEMC Plenary: Panel Discussion, part 1

By: vmc

This was the first half of the panel discussion as a part of the 2023 FEMC Annual Conference.


FEMC Annual Conference Plenary: Panel Discussion, part 2

By: vmc

This was the second half of the panel discussion as a part of the 2023 FEMC Annual Conference.


Wildlands in New England: Past, Present, and Future - New Data and a Call to Action

By: vmc

This was a contributed talk by Elizabeth Thompson as a part of the 2023 FEMC Annual Conference.