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Results for: 'rat'


Technological Sound Bite: Flipgrid Overview

By: ctl

Flipgrid, a video-based, asynchronous discussion tool, is available for free as part of UVM's Microsoft Office 365 suite. Instructors set up prompts and parameters for student videos (including length limits of 15sec to 10min). Students respond to...


Introductory Discussion of Water

By: tpritcha

This is an introduction to water. It includes student comments generated during discussion in class


PRNU 110 Research Tips, Part 2: Searching Journal Literature

By: gatwood

In this video, we will explore how to search CINAHL for journal articles.


Good Laboratory Practices Video

By: tpritcha

Discussion of Good Laboratory Practices


3.2 Relational Operators

By: rdasari

CS021 - Computer Programming I University of Vermont Supplement video for Tony Gaddis, Starting out with Python, 4th Edition


3.3 Logical Operators

By: rdasari

CS021 - Computer Programming I University of Vermont Supplement video for Tony Gaddis, Starting out with Python, 4th Edition


MU 060 harmonic series and spectrum

By: dfeurzei

Explanation and demonstration of the harmonic series and its relation to tone color


Card Party

By: okennedy

Here is my take on the Lumière's "Partie de cartes" which I have retitled "Card Party". Note as with the original this is shot in 1.33:1/4:3 aspect ratio, black and white, 16 frames per second.


MU 060 asst 3 harmonic spectra

By: dfeurzei

Exploration of harmonic spectra using Audacity, including synthesis and analysis