Results for: 'forest'
Town Forest Census: Carbon, COVID, and Capacity-Building
By: vmc
Cecelia Danks
Adaptation of Northern Forest Tree Species to a Warmer, Drier Future
Emily Anders, Sam Zuckerman
Recreation Impacts on Dimensions of Northeast Regional Forest Health
Soren Donisvitch
Field Methods for Monitoring Recreation Impacts on Forest Ecosystems
Elissa Schuett
Quantifying Changes in Forest Condition, Connectivity and Resilience in the Northeast Using Geospatial and Remotely Sensed Data
Melissa Clark
Multiple pathways of development in northeastern forests: The role land-use history plays in mature forest structure
Stephen Peters-Collaer
Forest adaptation impacts on mircroclimates in lowland spruce-fir ecosystems
Grace Smith
Funding trends and research gaps: insights from regional researchers on the current terrain of northeastern forest ecology science
Lydia Roe