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Results for: 'Market Research Part 2'


Motor learning and video modeling study

By: lsavard

This video explains the study procedures for a motor learning and video modeling study


Children information for study on motor learning

By: lsavard

This video describe the study procedures for children participating in the motor learning project


Maple Syrup Quality in the Retail Marketplace 2022

By: 84ccoope

This presentation shares results from a research project that tested hundreds of online maple syrup purchases according to current quality and grading standards. Recorded 09/07/2022


Maple Financial Planning & Profitability

By: 84ccoope

This presentation summarizes recent research on maple syrup cost of production and discusses strategies for financial planning to achieve profitability. Recorded 09/28/2022


Basics of APA

By: nslowik h...


Vegetable Farmers and Their Weed Control Machines

By: schwrks

This 75-minute video features nine New England vegetable farmers who explain and demonstrate how they use a variety of weed management equipment.


New Metropolis - Part 2

By: mcope

Part 2 of The New Metropolis -- building on the economic processes identified in part 1, what do these spaces look like in real cities?


NR 104 Cape Wind Case Study Part 1 - Spring 2020

By: cginger

This is a screen cast with an overview of materials for Cape Wind Case Study Part 1.