Results for: 'FEMC Annual Conference 2024'
Public Perceptions around State Forest Management in Vermont; Lessons Learned from the Development of the Long Range Management Plan
By: vmc
Oliver Pierson
Adaptive Silviculture Practices and Breeding Songbirds in the Northeast
David Farris
Managing for Young Forest Habitat in Post-Agricultural Settings to Support Winged-Warblers
Eliza Merrylees
Cross-Cultural Knowledge Exchange to Advance Collaborative Forest Stewardship
Rachel Swanwick
Partnership for Land and Community Resilience
Erica Wood
Cross cultural collaborations to protect brown ash: Reflections from Wabanakik
Ella McDonald
NSRC Welcome and Introduction
Anna Marchessault, Rene Germain, Anthea Lavallee
Town Forest Census: Carbon, COVID, and Capacity-Building
Cecelia Danks
Adaptation of Northern Forest Tree Species to a Warmer, Drier Future
Emily Anders, Sam Zuckerman