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Results for: 'Physics 021 Lab'
WFB 224 Intro to systems thinking lab
This is a LOOPY narrated video describing the major parts of the Grant and Grant 1993 paper assigned for the first lab of WFB 224.
Innovative Ways to Sell Agricultural Products Direct to Consumers
The evolving pandemic has brought to light the importance of promoting agri-food products in local markets, purchasing locally sourced supplies, and selling direct to consumers. Join French-speaking partners (southern Quebec, Eastern Ontario and t...
Valorisation de circuits courts, par la Francophonie « Des options originales pour acheter local!
Le contexte pandémie en évolution a mis en lumière l’importance de valoriser les produits agroalimentaires sur les marchés locaux, de s’approvisionner localement, de commercialiser en circuits courts. À travers cette conférence, donnée en collabor...