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Results for: 'washing produce'

The sugaring season has been over for a while. Maple trees ended their annual period of dormancy when their winter buds broke, allowing new leaves to emerge. These lush green leaves are now working to produce all the energy needed for the tree to ...

Wounds, Gloves and Bare Hand Contact
This video identifies why wounds are an issue as well as how to properly use gloves. The discussion centers around proper use of gloves. Finally, there is a brief discussion of situations in which bare hand contact is allowed.

All green plants, which includes trees, need sunlight to produce energy for survival. Some trees can satisfy their basic needs with less light than others. Sugar and red maples are two examples of such trees. They are both considered shade-toleran...

Sugar makers and community members alike have noticed a large number of sugar maple seedlings this spring. These first year trees were the result of a large seed year in 2019. Sugar maples begin producing seed when they are about 40 years old or 8...

Access to a sugarbush is critical for installing and repairing sap collection equipment, tapping and managing crop trees and responding to the effects of natural disturbances. Quality access to the sugarbush relies and a road and trail system that...

Proper Hand Washing and Hand Care
This video discusses how to wash hands, when to wash hands and what other items need to be addressed when thinking of your hands.

Safely Selling Local Food at Farm Stands and CSAs during COVID-19, 5/6/20 Webinar (audio only)
Demand for local food is surging, and many Vermont farms are heeding the call to feed their communities. They have adapted time and again to the evolving COVID-19 situation to ensure the safety of their food, customers, employees, and farms. TheyĆ¢...