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Results for: 'visual'

Pinterest is a visual bookmarking tool to collect links to images. Image links are placed on "boards" in the order in which you collect them. You can create multiple boards based on topics of your choosing. The thumbnail images it creates link bac...

This video reviews easy to make visual supports families can use during toileting and instructions on how to make them. The Continence Project believes the mastery of toileting skills promotes inclusion at home, school, and in the community. We be...

This was presented by Angela Fuller as a part of a series of contributed talks from the 2022 FEMC Annual Conference. To learn more about the conference, visit: Invasive species have the poten...

A Look Around the Writing Centers
A visual tour of the Undergraduate Writing Center and the the Writing Centers' reception area at the University of Vermont.

Directed, Written and Produced by Shanta Lee Gander Sound Design and Music Production by Machafuko NA Vurugu Productions In her exploration of the human gaze, the female body, and what it means to dance along a continuum of sacred and profane,...

A Look Around the Writing Centers
A visual tour of the Undergraduate Writing Center and the the Writing Centers' reception area at the University of Vermont.

Lantigua: Antibiotic Resistance Podcast
Who will I want the audience to be? I want the audience to be people who enjoy learning about the mysteries of the world but may not have a degree in science. I love listening to all kinds of podcasts and how they can highlight and teach about...

UVM Health & Wellness Coaching Employee Connection
Our evidence-based coaching process in a visual format

Virtual Environments for Communicating Changing Forests
This was presented by Michael Mahoney as a part of a series of contributed talks from the 2022 FEMC Annual Conference. To learn more about the conference, visit: Forests are dynamic systems, ...